My Genealogy Hound

Below is a family biography included in The History of Miami County, Ohio published by W. H. Beers & Co. in 1880.  These biographies are valuable for genealogy research in discovering missing ancestors or filling in the details of a family tree. Family biographies often include far more information than can be found in a census record or obituary.  Details will vary with each biography but will often include the date and place of birth, parent names including mothers' maiden name, name of wife including maiden name, her parents' names, name of children (including spouses if married), former places of residence, occupation details, military service, church and social organization affiliations, and more.  There are often ancestry details included that cannot be found in any other type of genealogical record.

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THOMAS ELLEMAN, farmer; P. O. West Milton; born in this township in 1841; is a son of Enos and Margaret (Ward) Elleman; his father was born in Washington Co., Tenn., March 31, 1802. The grandfather, John Elleman, was probably born in the same State in the year 1766, and removed with his parents when quite young to South Carolina, where they remained for some years, and where he married Susanna Coppock; then returned to Tennessee and soon after to Warren Co., Ohio in 1805; here they raised a crop, then came to Miami Co. in the latter part of 1806 and settled on the southwest quarter of Sec. 7, in this township, where he lived until about 1815, when he removed to Wayne Township, Darke Co and purchased 40 acres of land, where he lived until his death, which occurred April 16, 1818, aged 52 years The Coppocks were originally from Pennsylvania, and were members of the colony William Penn planted in the great wilderness of Pennsylvania. Grandmother Elleman’s maiden name was Catherine Collins, and she was of German birth; her husband’s grandfather, Enos Elleman, great-grandfather to our subject was born in Wales, but reared in this country; he had only two brothers, John and Abner; he was the father of six children, two sons and four daughters, viz., John, William, Amy, Mary, Elizabeth and Hannah. Our subject’s grandfather was the parent of twelve children, of whom only two are living, viz., Susanna and his father, Enos; the deceased are Elizabeth, Temperance, Drusilla, Hannah, Tace, Enos, Aaron, William, Norman and one who died in infancy. The early days of our subject’s father were spent at home until his father’s death, which occurred when Enos was only 16 years old; he labored for some time on the home place then bound himself out to his brother-in-law, Isaiah Pemberton, who lived in this township, and for him worked four years, when the indenture was canceled before the expiration of time; he then worked as a farm hand, and did anything he could get to do that was honorable; in 1823, he went back to Darke Co., and purchased 80 acres of land in Wayne Township. He was united in marriage with Margaret Ward, Dec. 9, 1824; her father, David Ward, was born in New Jersey, in the year 1785; his father, George Ward, was a soldier in Washington’s own army, and was through seven years of the struggle; he was one of the daring and intrepid ones, who, under the leadership of the gallant Wayne, captured Stony Point. He was married to Margaret Swasick; they were among the early pioneers of Virginia; the Indians entered their cabin one day and deliberately killed one of the children, a daughter; Grandfather Ward was knocked down with a club and his wife, with great bravery and presence of mind, made her escape with two other children. A family by the name of Cananne, who were there met a sad fate; the husband was killed and his wife carried into captivity, and only rescued after seven years of imprisonment. After Enos Elleman’s marriage with Margaret Ward, he went to work with might and main for a few years on his Darke Co. land; then he disposed of it and came in 1831 to where he now resides; here they have resided for nearly half a century, going hand in hand down the pathway of life for nearly three score years, and together they are enjoying their declining years surrounded by every comfort; they are the parents of nine children, of whom seven are living, viz., Mary, David, William, Joseph, Thomas, Rebecca and Isam; the deceased are Elizabeth and John. Thomas Elleman (our subject), was reared on his fathers farm where he labored until his marriage, which was celebrated in 1858 with Martha C. Jay, a daughter of Moses Jay, who was born in this township, near Frederickstown; his father, James Jay, was born in North Carolina, and removed to Ohio in a very early day; he departed this life on the land he entered aged about 70 years. His marriage with Martha Coppock was celebrated in South Carolina; they were parents of the following children, of whom five are living, viz., Mary, Jesse, James, Furnas and Isaac; the deceased are Elizabeth, Phoebe, Hannah, Jonathan, Enoch, John, Moses, and William, an infant Mr. and Mrs. Moses Jay were the parents of only one child, the wife of our subject; her father, departed this life in 1840. Her mother’s second marriage was celebrated with Elijah Jay, whose father, Layton Jay, was one of the pioneers, and his remains the first interred in the Union Cemetery. To her second marriage seven children were given, viz., Moses, Joseph, Alfred, James, William and Enos; Anna (deceased). Mrs. Margaret Jay departed this life April 14, 1874, aged 56 years, her husband is living, and at an advanced age. To the union of Mr. and Mrs. Elleman nine children have been given, of whom five are living, viz., Dorry, Ella, Calvin, Allie and Walter; the deceased are Margaret, Viola, Minnie P. and an infant.

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This family biography is one of 964 biographies included in The History of Miami County, Ohio published in 1880 by W. H. Beers & Co.  For the complete description, click here: Miami County, Ohio History and Genealogy

View additional Miami County, Ohio family biographies here: Miami County, Ohio Biographies

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