My Genealogy Hound
Below is a family biography included in Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Pulaski County, Arkansas published by Goodspeed Publishing Company in 1889. These biographies are valuable for genealogy research in discovering missing ancestors or filling in the details of a family tree. Family biographies often include far more information than can be found in a census record or obituary. Details will vary with each biography but will often include the date and place of birth, parent names including mothers' maiden name, name of wife including maiden name, her parents' names, name of children (including spouses if married), former places of residence, occupation details, military service, church and social organization affiliations, and more. There are often ancestry details included that cannot be found in any other type of genealogical record.
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W. S. Hutt, one of the leading grocery merchants of Little Rock, Ark., is a native-born resident of this city, and a man whose honesty and integrity is unquestioned. He attended Commercial College in Lexington, Ky., and soon after the war he and his father engaged in business in Little Rock. Although the father died but recently, the business has been in W. S. Hutt’s name, and greatly under his control, since that time. He does an extensive business, and is a young man in whom all the people of Little Rock place implicit trust. This is the oldest retail establishment in the city, and one of the most prosperous. The building, of two stories, is 150x25 feet. W. S. Hutt is the son of A. J. and Francissa E. (Gaines) Hutt, both honored and respected citizens. The father was born in Charleston, Kanawha County, W. Va., and when a young man went to Pittsburgh, Penn., where he remained until about 1837, and then came to Little Rock. He saw true pioneer life in Little Rock, and many a time has he hunted game over the present location of the city. He had amassed considerable money up to the time of the breaking out of the Civil War, but lost considerable during that eventful period. He was a man respected and esteemed for his sterling integrity, sober, sound judgment, broad intelligence and liberal progressive ideas. He was married in Little Rock, and reared a family of several children. His wife, and the mother of the subject of this sketch is still living, and resides in Little Rock. Mr. Hutt became well known all over the State, and was Grand Master of the I. O. O. F. of the State. He took an active interest in political affairs, and held many positions of trust and honor in the city of Little Rock, of which he served as mayor.
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This family biography is one of 156 biographies included in Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Pulaski County, Arkansas published in 1889. For the complete description, click here: Pulaski County, Arkansas History, Genealogy, and Maps
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