My Genealogy Hound

Below is a family biography included in the Biographical Annals of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania published in 1905 by The Genealogical Publishing Company.  These biographies are valuable for genealogy research in discovering missing ancestors or filling in the details of a family tree. Family biographies often include far more information than can be found in a census record or obituary.  Details will vary with each biography but will often include the date and place of birth, parent names including mothers' maiden name, name of wife including maiden name, her parents' names, name of children (including spouses if married), former places of residence, occupation details, military service, church and social organization affiliations, and more.  There are often ancestry details included that cannot be found in any other type of genealogical record.

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JOSEPH BRICKER, a retired farmer of Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, Pa., now in the United States Mail service, R. F. D., No. 5, Star system, was born Feb. 3, 1847, son of Peter Bricker.

The Bricker family is of German extraction, formerly a large and prolific one, and many of them rest in the old cemetery in Hampden township. David Bricker, who married a Miss Erb, emigrated to this country in 1725, and settled in Lancaster county. Jacob Bricker, the grandfather of Joseph Bricker, married Elizabeth Frye, a native of Lancaster county.

Peter Bricker, father of our subject, was born in 1802, in Lancaster county, and accompanied his parents to Cumberland county in 1808, when they located in Silver Spring township. His father, Jacob Bricker, was a miller, and operated Bricker’s mill for a number of years. Peter Bricker married a Miss Butorf and they had the following children, all of whom lived to be grown, viz: David; Ellen, a widow; Katherine, deceased; Joseph; John, a farmer of Silver Spring township; Levi; Christian; Clara, wife of Jacob Myers, of Boiling Springs; and Ellen, deceased. Peter Bricker died Aug. 25, 1875, and his wife in June, 1862.

Joseph Bricker was reared on his father’s farm and attended the local schools until he was seventeen years of age. Although then but a mere youth, he offered his services to his country, enlisting in Company D, 78th P. V. I., under Col. Bonanfine, and was ordered, with the regiment, to Nashville, Tenn., participating in the battle at that point and in several others. His services continued from September, 1864, to September, 1865, during the greater part of which time he was doing guard duty along various railroads.

After his honorable discharge, Mr. Bricker returned to Mechanicsburg, and soon after, went to Missouri, where he spent some three years in farming. Going north, he farmed a year or two in Minnesota, and also rafted lumber on the Mississippi. This life, however, was too strenuous a one, and, in the spring of 1871, he returned to Cumberland county, and went to work on his father’s farm in Silver Spring township. After marriage he settled for five years in Hampden township, and then went back to Silver Spring township, where he lived until 1897. He owns two farms, one of 100 acres, with good dwelling, barns, sheds and outbuildings, everything being in good shape and suitable for farming and stock raising, and one of forty acres adjoining. He moved to Mechanicsburg in 1897, renting his farm, and engaged for a year in the grocery business. A year later he disposed of this, and bought the property in College Park, which he has occupied ever sixce. In 1901 he became a contractor to carry the mail on Rural Route No. 5, and has proven himself a very satisfactory official.

In 1873 Mr. Bricker married Clara Sipe, of Silver Spring township, daughter of Peter and Caroline (Wilson) Sipe, formerly of York county. Two children were born to this union, Peter and Ella. Both Mr. Bricker and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. In politics he is a Republican. Fraternally, he belongs to Mechanicsburg Post, No. 415, G. A. R. Mr. Bricker is a man who is very highly esteemed in this city. He has an excellent record as a soldier, is a man of means and influence, and is connected with families which have done much to develop this part of the country.

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This family biography is one of numerous biographies included in the Biographical Annals of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania published in 1905 by The Genealogical Publishing Company. 

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